It did take a bit of getting used to, but I think we both slept fairly well on that first night aboard the bus. Ladies and gentlemen, this is where the fairy tale ends. At approximately 9 o’clock on the morning of June 19, the bus stopped. We were not in Cusco, not even close. And what’s worse: it had no intention of starting again. Certainly, any one of the numerous run-of-the-mill problems might have occurred. We could have a flat tire, or a damaged radiator; for all I knew we could even be out of gas. But no, those things would have been fixable. We had a much more sinister, sneaky foe: Quechuans.
The Quechuan people, along with the Aymara and a smattering of other, more remote cultures, are the remnants of the Inca nation. When Francisco Pizzarro conquered Peru in 1533, he ‘rehabilitated’ the Incas – Peru’s dominant culture at the time, and architects of most of the country’s major ruins – into an approximation of his European sensibilities. Naturally the culture of Peru today is a unique fusion of the two (plus a bit of Chinese, it seems), but ultimately the conquered people had to adapt to a Westernized, Catholic lifestyle. Well, some of them didn’t adapt, and – be it for reasons of remote location, socio-economic injustice, or just plain stubbornness – those people still live in a manner stuck somewhere between the Spanish conquest and the 1930s dust bowl. The women’s hats are particularly disturbing.
Based on our bus driver’s lethargic, if somewhat annoyed response, we figured we might as well make ourselves comfortable in the valley and enjoy our afternoon. After all, it could be worse…
At around midday, there was a caravan of at least 30 cars, trucks, and buses lined up at the roadblock. We were at the front of the pack, and remained on the sidelines as a group of fast-talking Peruvian men rounded up a posse to force the protesters aside. They made there way to the gauntlet, and had a heated argument for around 10 minutes. At that point, one of the men in the bus-posse started moving rocks out of the road, and a few more started dragging branches away. As soon as they touched the trees, a loud crack rang out through the valley, and we thought someone had fired a gun. Luckily, the men on the hillside (levering boulders all the while) had only thrown a homemade firecracker. A few of the protestors on the bridge started throwing rocks, and the posse made a hasty retreat. It was at about this point that Brice and I started taking bets on which side would draw first blood.
Brice and I were among the lucky few of the gringos (somewhat derogatory word for white tourists) who had food provisions, and since the buses were entirely devoid of anything to eat we considered our ‘preparedness’ a small victory. As if half a loaf of bread and a chunk of swiss cheese was going to get us through to Cusco…
We double-timed it back down the hill, but our bus had started moving without us, so we had to flag it down and have them open the doors in the middle of the road. The protesters had confiscated toothpaste from the people on the bus at the time the roadblock was lifted, and they wrote “¡Viva la revolución agrÃcola!” in bold, minty-fresh letters on each windshield that passed by.
After what was perhaps another hour on the bus, the sun had set and we were making good time towards Cusco. Or so we thought. About 30 miles outside of the city limits, we were stopped by yet another roadblock. This time there were easily two or three hundred vehicles stuck behind the roadblock, and we knew we would have to camp out in the bus for another night. In the spirit of conserving gas, the bus was turned off and passengers were invited to either huddle under their blankets (if they were fortunate enough to have them) or brave the chilly Andean night with a campfire outside. Brice and I tried very hard to help the people in our area keep our fire going, but between the damp ditch we built it in, the damp wood we fueled it with, and the general impossibility of finding any wood at all that we could process with our meager pocket knives and multi-tools it was a losing battle against the evening chill.
Finally, someone broke out the Peruvian moonshine, and we started teaching each other – Peruvians and gringos, unite! – silly songs and ditties while bemoaning the angry Quechuans blocking the road about half a mile up the road from us. (I told you there were a lot of cars…)
The stars that night – totally unhampered by city lights of any kind – were absolutely flawless. Despite being cold and hungry, we felt that we had begun an excellent adventure with our time in the valley, and Brice and I ogled the skies – obsidian with oil slicks of Magellanic Clouds, studded with brilliant white beacons – and kept each other company.
Neither of us slept well that night. I fared much better than Brice, who maybe got one or two hours in a unnaturally contorted position, and at 6:30 in the morning one of the bilingual men on our bus announced that they were preparing to walk. Our information at the time stated that the roadblocks would start to clear at around midnight of that third night, and no one was willing to wait until 3 or 4 in the morning for the slight chance that the bus would start moving again. At first we planned to travel as a group into the next town to get food and water, but over the first few kilometers of the rubble-lined roads it became clear that the only way were going to make it to Cusco was on foot.
The group we started with thinned, and a veritable Diaspora of Peruvians trying to reach their families in Cusco started traveling down the road. Brice and I weighed our options. We got some diverse information on exactly how long it would take us to walk there, but the general consensus said that it was a half-day affair, that the roadblocks didn't stretch the entire way to the city, and that the road was uniformly flat throughout the valley. Neither of us thought we would actually have to walk the whole way to the city - we figured we'd eventually find a taxi - and Brice was vehemently opposed to spending another day at the bus, so we bought some more water and started schlepping our bags towards Cusco, through the glass and rubble-paved unknown.
A few hours in, we stopped to rest and a family of four Peruvians who had been trailing a bit behind us for some time stopped with us. They were kind enough to share their bag of oranges with us, and after a quick breakfast we started moving again. I had to trade bags with Brice a few times, just to spare my shoulders from the unpadded straps that had been digging into them all morning, but he was a good sport about it. We did almost jettison my toiletries, though (and I can’t say I would have blamed him if he did).
The nameless town we were in (Brice says he thinks it might have been called Anta) was the center of the agricultural riots in the region, and it was a bit dangerous for gringos to be in the streets at noon. This was, apparently, the biggest rally of the day. A very nice woman got us off the streets and ushered us into a restaurant, where the owner agreed to open early to let us sit out of sight (and out of the sun) while we waited for his kitchen to open.
The owner, headwaiter, and chef (aka the only guy there) came out and took our orders. He had truecha, a fish he said was only found in the mountain regions and was therefore very special to the local people, a rice dish, or an omelet. We ordered the mystical mountain fish (which we later learned, much to our embarrassment, was just trout), which came with soup, rice, a small salad, and liter of coke. We paid USD $3.50. Total. I was amazed.
And on that note, this post is TBC... It's already way too long anyway.
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