It's the same basic principle as any RPG (that's role-playing game, for you tr00 n00bs), except magnified about ten-fold and given free-range to abuse NERF weapons. Think of it as improvised theater fused with fantasy writing. Here are the two key points that make a LARP's philosophy so different from other forms of entertainment: 1) You can act as any character you want (within reasonable -- Meta Tag: what's reasonable about a LARP? -- limits), and instead of basing your skill-set off of a piece of paper, you get to base your skill-set off a piece of paper and personal aptitude. 2) You can meet some truly fabulous, albeit completely insane, people face to face and turn a weekend camping trip into an unforgettable fantasy vacation.
And that's my angle on LARPs: they make a fantastic, affordable "staycation" that everyone will remember for years to come. If for no other reason than the economic imperative of remaining close to home, you proud souls still soldiering through this post should definitely LARP at least once before you die.
I've been fortunate enough to fall-in with a relatively small, close-knit group known as "Haven LARP." Based out of New Jersey, these guys host events year-round all over Central PA and South NJ. If this is your region and sounds like it might be your cuppa, check out their website and get in touch with them on their forum. They'll make sure you know what to expect going into your first event, and give you the most up-t0-date pricing information. Keep in mind: Haven LARP is a branch of the Boy Scouts of America, and they don't tolerate what I'm going to sum-up Eliza Bennet style as "ungentlemanly conduct." (Ladies, that include you too; don't get your ovaries in a twist.)

Tl;Dr? Google LARPs in your area and gtfo my blog.
Now that we've got the boring parts out of the way, let me say one thing about LARPing: I hated my first event. Loathed it. I was cold, I didn't know enough about the gaming system to care about its continuity, and I was with a friend (another first-timer) who wouldn't get off her cell phone long enough to try anything interesting with me. I also thought the people I met were freakishly friendly, and we know I don't do well with... perky. Alas, my good friends and pro-LARPers, the Silvas, convinced me to give it a try under better barometric circumstances. I'm a glutton for punishment, so -- naturally -- I said yes.
As fate would have it, my next foray into the realm of Haven was at the same camp site as my first. I knew what to expect in terms of bedding (Alaskan truckers, people!), I knew the camp layout, and I had a pretty solid grasp of the game mechanics. Since it typically doesn't snow in the Poconos in mid-August, I had all of my bases covered with one plastic tote full of necessaries and a garment bag. And, in what I deem a stunningly ballsy move of universal kismet, I had a really good time!

So what are the low-points of LARPing? I'm here to tell you, the whole thing does take some getting used to. Expect angry eyes for "breaking character," a low tolerance for out-of-game remarks, and a penchant for boffer safety. The boffer safety is kind of a no-brainer, even if emotionally repressed Amazon Women like me do get a little carried away with the beat-down on occasion. So, yeah... don't seriously injure anyone. Pretty self-explanatory. Staying in character and / or "in-game" is a bit more of a challenge. I found it easier to maintain the continuity of Haven as a PC than as an NPC, but even then it takes a pretty high degree of jargon to navigate your way through the weekend. No worries, though. Someone will always be there to help new players above and beyond the basic orientation meeting, and it's all because they're so committed to providing a really compelling, safe gaming environment.

I find that this is a perfect moment for a bit of Douglas Adams rhetoric to anyone considering a LARP: don't panic. Everyone knows it's your first time. They'll always take the time to answer questions for you, and the exasperated sighs aren't personal. Really. I can't stress that enough.

And for anyone who just thought "why would I want to do that?" GO OUTSIDE AND TAKE A WALK RIGHT NOW.
Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you
how are you?
Can I link to this post please?
Re: Anonymous #3 -- I'm great! Go ahead and link away, I certainly don't mind. :) Share your site w/ us when you're done.
Hi - I am really delighted to discover this. great job!
hello and merry xmas to every one - hope yous had a good christmas - pity we didnt get snow was all prepared wi sledges kids loving it any ways , all the best for the comming year -
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