Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bolivia Update
On another note, we bought our rainforest excursion today and we´re going to Madidi on the 28th. Hopefully that will be a lot more enjoyable than La Paz. Puno was slow, but the islands were fun, and Machu Picchu should cost less. That´s about it, really. We´re due back in Peru within the week.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Peru Update
I finished 100 Years of Solitude and loved every minute of it. Anyone interested in discussing it some time?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Boyer Hall gets its Groove On
Friday, May 8, 2009
Cardboard and Duct Tape Wars
If upon a Reading Day you should wander, let us say...
Toward the Witmer Parking lot, at around three o’clock,
There within you should find a sight to really rock your mind:
The Reds leave their Southern Dorms and there prepare to enter War.
They dribble, drip, hemorrhage out – clot the road from tip to spout.
Barbaric North, in icy blue, compiles in Miller Meadow, too.
With icy faces, snowy hearts, they blizzard out - prepare to start.
All make the hike across the land to battle with their rival clan.
The Gen’ral cries for all to hear, and the soldiers answer clear:
HUAH! HUAH! HUAH! They beat their shields, heft their swords,
Going to the Duct Tape Wars.
And in the year twenty-nine Our Lord, there was a clash as ne’er before.
A purple haze, a muddy gore, cardboard flying o’er the hoard.
A wave, a lull, a second charge – and then the ambush, green and large!
From the Starry Fields there came an ivy scream and Greens insane.
A force against the norm’s enthuse: the Reds and Blues were forc’d to fuse
Their might against the Big-Green-Mean, and as such we lay the scene.
The Reds and Blues, once combined, charged the Greens from all sides.
A bedlam, true, and welts abound - their backs bled and bath’d the ground.
With nay a hope for peace in sight, their heroes came to sway the fight.
A grand-green Mean and blue-blood Barb met upon the field’s heart,
And as the Watchers circl’d round no joyless faces could be found.
It quickly turn’d from joy to pain as the battle’s climax came:
To throw the sword and kick the head, this is what the college dreads.
They had us sign a standard form to save the school from legal harm,
To vow their to love and full respect, lest someone tarnish them a speck.
But kick they did and throw - they must!- and so's the heroes' battle-trust:
To rally troops and please the crowd, to make us all a wee-bit proud.
They charg’d again, and ran amok, and in the end they shared a hug.
So listen well and listen good: stop by and watch us, if you could.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Lititz for a Day
2) Friends and family!
Monday, May 4, 2009
I can see the Andes on the horizon
I'm looking for a solid novel to take with me, because as you can imagine the flight is quite long. We're also going to spend a great deal of time on buses and in hostels, so... I was leaning towards Gabriel García Márquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude, and it's still in the running, but all suggestions are welcome. The book should be reasonably long, available in paperback, and have a good sense of humor, language, or intrigue. Of course, all three are always encouraged whatever the combination may be.
Since Internet connections will be a bit sketchy and necessarily limited (logic: will have time to blog on bus / do not have laptop or Internet on bus; will not have time to blog in Internet cafes, will be too busy emailing family and looking up bus schedules. conclusion: will not blog), I'm planning on keeping a hand written journal. Not only will this give me something else to do on the bus, it will give me an excellent memento gratis to look back on when I'm old and boring. Naturally, I'll be taking as many photos as my memory card will allow, but I won't really be able to share those either. So - since I'm going to be back in Warren by mid June - I'll just type out my journal and publish the appropriate photos when I get back.
OK, to be fair, the odds that I will actually type out all of my journal entries is abysmally low. But I'll share the important ones, and paraphrase where necessary. Long story short, you (yes, all 3 of you) will get to see the Peru trip eventually, just not as it unfolds in real time. I may even include a few poems, if I feel compelled to write them (and by compelled, I mean if I just can't stand looking at Brice for another minute).
Well, no matter how exciting all of this is I still have to pass my finals and move out of my apartment this week. Busy, busy, busy. But I guess I have to take things one step at a time. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. It's going to be one hell of a summer, that's for sure.
*Hunting with a camera, but other than that I'm COMPLETELY SERIOUS. How awesome is that?!